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Rates and refunds for The Expat Psychologist

The costs and duration per session differ per psychologist. In general, an individual session costs € 118 to € 177 and lasts 45 to 90 minutes. Relationship counseling or other sessions for two people often last longer and cost extra compared to individual sessions. In most cases, treatment requires 5 to 10 sessions.

Check with your healthcare insurance

We recommend that you consult your health insurance company regarding therapy refunds. Different insurance companies have different refund policies. Some offer a full refund or a maximum number of sessions. Unfortunately no refunds are granted in some cases.

There are other authorities that could help you with therapy refunds. These include the UWV (Dutch Employee Insurance Agency) and the Centre for Health Care Needs Assessment. Many employers have special regulations for this purpose and students may be eligible through grants or through a Personal Budget provided by the government.

Payment and cancellation

You may cancel your appointment, but we would appreciate it if you would inform us at least 24 hours in advance, so that we can make other arrangements.

If you have questions or would like to know whether we can help, call or email us to make an appointment.