
The Expat Psychologists is part of . We currently have 17 different Dutch psychologists that provide therapy in 9 different languages for example: English, French, German and Polish. They can provide therapy over video chat or in person at their practice.

Are you a Dutch expat, living abroad? For you, we have Dutch psychologists that can provide therapy through video chat. Take a look at for more information.

Roberto Bini, Psychologists, Sittard

The Expat Psychologists - Roberto Bini

Mariefloor Fiksinski – Plekkenpol, Psychologist, Hilversum

The Expat Psychologists - Mariefloor Fiksinski – Plekkenpol

About me
As a ‘Third Culture Kid,’ I understand what it is like to live abroad and experience a different culture. It is therefore not surprising that I am interested in this topic and have become a child and youth psychologist. I have worked at various international schools with children and adolescents from different cultural backgrounds. The different cultural backgrounds are a source of inspiration for me to start a conversation about growing up in a new environment. I also advise parents how to support their child with their behavior. Furthermore, I also like to work with young adults. They are in the prime of their lives and they will have to make important choices to learn to stand on their own two feet. For some young adults this is a challenge, I will help you find your path.

In addition to my work, I do yoga and I enjoy dancing. I also like to travel – and of course preferably to as many countries as possible to learn more and more about different cultures.

Dedicated to your development

Working methods
During therapy I will help you to better handle the obstacles in your life and take on new challenges. During the first conversation we will get to know each other. Visual puzzles and non-verbal and verbal tasks will be used so that I can learn more about your interests and hobbies. We will discuss what you are struggling with and what you would like to work on, but we will also discuss what is going well in your life. It is important that you feel comfortable with me. After the first conversation, I will set up a treatment plan with your therapy goals which will be regularly evaluated.

The client comes first. I would like to get to know you in an informal and friendly way. I will focus on your strong qualities, work with you to find the best solution for your problems or/and support your parents. It is also possible to conduct a psychological assessment to investigate your learning, social-emotional and behavioral difficulties. Afterwards you and your parents will receive practical tools to support you with your development. From a holistic view, I will help you to map out your growth opportunities so that you can reach your full potential.

Ricard Clark, Psychologist, Rotterdam

The Expat Psychologists - Ricard Clark

Psychology is fascinating and I am fascinated by gaining knowledge about social relations. Dealing with people is one of the most difficult skills you will have to learn in your life, which is why I find it so interesting.

Life experience: I was born and raised in England, but after high school I went to study in the Netherlands. I studied clinical and health psychology at the University of Leiden and have been an independent psychologist since my graduation in 1990. Over the years I have gained the necessary life experience, both in my work as a psychologist and in other areas. That experience makes me a better care provider because everything cannot be learnt from a book.

Self-help: My goal is to help people get on the right track using scientific techniques. If necessary, I can point the way, but I believe you can do a lot yourself. By encouraging a certain degree of self-help, clients gain that extra confidence to get started fulfilling their goals and aspirations.

Being a participant: It is an honour to be a part of someone’s life as a psychologist. To participate in the process to help clients achieve their wishes and dreams. Clients sometimes say afterwards that they appreciated my help. That is good to hear.

Gerlinda Smit, Psycholoog, Malaga

The Expat Psychologists - Gerlinda Smit

Anna Diament, Psycholoog, Hoofddorp

The Expat Psychologists - Anna Diament

Kim Gijsbers, Psychologist, Eindhoven

The Expat Psychologists - Kim Gijsbers

About me
Everything we experience shapes us into unique individuals. For me, working as a psychologist means helping someone become a more stable individual while remaining true to themselves. The bond of trust I can provide to someone is very special to me. It remains remarkable when someone tells you that you are the first person with whom they dare to share their entire story. An open atmosphere where no topic or emotion is taboo is, therefore, the most important thing for me in my practice.

In both my work and in my spare time I like to be creative. As a psychologist, this is mainly using my mind, but in my free time I like to work with my hands. From drawing and painting to DIY projects around the house and making costumes. Other than that, my weekends are often filled with fun activities, and I love to go out and grab some food and drinks with friends.

Working method
I approach each story with an open and curious mind and work from a genuine interest in the person behind the problem. During the first session I want to get to know you and your story: what are you struggling with, but also, what is already going well? After all, you are more than just your symptoms. Besides that, I find a personal connection very important. You should feel comfortable and not feel the need to keep anything to yourself.

After this, we will work on a personalized plan of action. After all, effective therapy is personalized and aimed at finding a balance in life that is different for each person. I use a number of different methods of treatment – some are focused on talking and others are more practical. In the early stages of therapy, we mainly focus on getting a better understanding of what is going on. Then, we proceed to taking action and making changes.

Lia Sotiriou, Psychologist, Leiden

The Expat Psychologists - Lia Sotiriou

Janeen Prinsloo, Psychologist, Eindhoven

The Expat Psychologists - Janeen Prinsloo

If you are looking for my English profile, you can find it here.

Ghislaine Regout, Psychologist, Arnhem

The Expat Psychologists - Ghislaine Regout

Do you feel like you’re getting stuck in a rut? Do you feel afraid, anxious, sad or stressed? As a psychologist, I can offer you support and listen to you without judgement. The therapy will be centred around your wishes, and by providing therapeutic treatment, I will offer you the help needed so you can get back on your feet. My aim is to help you straight away, so there are no waiting lists, and making an appointment outside of office hours is possible as well. I mainly work in Nijmegen, Arnhem, and Ede-Wageningen – and in London in the UK – but meeting up somewhere else, preferably in the region, can be discussed.


Eva Bastin, Psychologists, Amersfoort

The Expat Psychologists - Eva Bastin

Francine Wong Loi Sing-Witz, Psychologists, Amsterdam

The Expat Psychologists - Francine Wong Loi Sing-Witz

Haris Mavrokefalos, Psychologist, Leiden

The Expat Psychologists - Haris Mavrokefalos

Ονομάζομαι Χάρης και είμαι Κλινική Ψυχολόγος. Για μένα κάθε συμπεριφορά έχει έναν λόγο και με το να το γνωρίζεις τροποποιείς τη συμπεριφορά. Κατά τη διάρκεια των συνεδριών μας στόχος μου είναι να εντοπίσω τι σας ενοχλεί και να προσπαθήσω να το λύσω χρησιμοποιώντας τα κατάλληλα εργαλεία. Προσπαθώ να δημιουργήσω ένα ζεστό και μη επικριτικό περιβάλλον όπου μπορείτε να αισθάνεστε κατανοητοί, ακουσμένοι και αποδεκτοί. Η σαφήνεια και η πρόοδος είναι πολύ σημαντικές και γι’ αυτό προσπαθώ να επικοινωνώ με έναν διεκδικητικό αλλά κατανοητό τρόπο.


Έχω μεγάλη εμπειρία σε περίπλοκες περιπτώσεις όπου υπάρχει συννοσηρότητα. Πολλοί από τους πελάτες μου έχουν υποφέρει από διαταραχή προσωπικότητας σε συνδυασμό με κατάθλιψη, άγχος, προβλήματα σχέσεων, εξουθένωση και κατάχρηση ουσιών και πολύπλοκα τραύματα.

Πρώτη συνεδρία

Κατά την πρώτη συνεδρία, ο στόχος είναι να γνωριστούμε, να δημιουργήσουμε μια θεραπευτική σχέση και να εντοπίσουμε τον λόγο που ζητήσατε επαγγελματική υποστήριξη. Είναι πολύ σημαντικό και για τους δύο μας να προσδιορίσουμε το ζήτημα και να δημιουργήσουμε ένα σχέδιο θεραπείας που να ταιριάζει στις ανάγκες σας. Χρησιμοποιώ για αυτόν τον λόγο την παρακινητική συνέντευξη, μια προσέγγιση που έχει σχεδιαστεί για να βοηθήσει τους ανθρώπους να βρουν το κίνητρο για να κάνουν μια θετική αλλαγή συμπεριφοράς. Αυτή η προσέγγιση είναι πολύ αποτελεσματική για άτομα που έχουν ανάμεικτα συναισθήματα σχετικά με την αλλαγή της συμπεριφοράς τους.

Μορφές θεραπείας

Χρησιμοποιώ τη Γνωσιακή Συμπεριφορική Θεραπεία που εστιάζει περισσότερο στα μοτίβα σκέψης και στο πώς επηρεάζουν τα συναισθήματα και τις συμπεριφορές κάθε ατόμου σε συνδυασμό με την Ψυχοδυναμική και τη Θεραπεία Σχημάτων που στοχεύουν να αποκαλύψουν τα βαθύτερα στρώματα της ψυχικής κατάστασης κάποιου, όπως τραύματα, την προσωπικότητά υου ή οικογενειακά προβλήματα. Για μένα κάθε πελάτης είναι μοναδικός και έτσι προσαρμόζω τις τεχνικές μου στις ανάγκες του.

Σχετικά με εμένα

Από μικρός άρχισα να συνειδητοποιώ πώς η οικογενειακή δυναμική διαμορφώνει την προσωπικότητα ενός ανθρώπου. Έχοντας πάντα περιέργεια για τις σχέσεις και το τι σκέφτονται οι άλλοι άνθρωποι, σπούδασα Ψυχολογία για να μπορέσω να βοηθήσω τους ανθρώπους να δουν άλλες οπτικές και να κατανοήσουν τον εαυτό τους. Κατά τη διάρκεια της καριέρας μου έχω εργαστεί σε διαφορετικά περιβάλλοντα με διάφορους πελάτες. Από ψυχιατρική κλινική στην Ελλάδα σε κέντρο αυτισμού στην Ολλανδία. Έχω εργαστεί επίσης σε σχολεία υποστηρίζοντας παιδιά, γονείς και δασκάλους. Η συνεργασία με ενήλικες ήταν πάντα το πάθος μου και γι’ αυτό άνοιξα τη δική μου κλινική στο Leiden.
Στην ιδιωτική μου ζωή μου αρέσει πολύ ο αθλητισμός. Είμαι μεγάλος φαν του Τριάθλου και παίζω και πινγκ πονγκ. Με ενδιαφέρει πολύ η περιβαλλοντική ευαισθητοποίηση και παίρνω μέρος σε κοινωνικές δράσεις όπως καθαρισμοί πόλης ή παραλιών.